October 7th Anniversary: What You Won’t See, Might See, and Should See

Is this too harsh?

On the first anniversary of some 1,200 Jews massacred in the most brutal ways by Hamas savages who still hold hostages, you won’t see hundreds of thousands of Muslims in American streets, demonstrating for the elimination of Hamas as a way to demonstrate that Islam is the religion of peace.

What you might see is Muslims—our neighbors and fellow citizens—screaming their support for Gaza, which really means for criminals who behead innocent people and burn babies alive, and for the elimination of Israel.

What you should see, what should be emblazoned on your brain and soul, is the thousands of American college students who supported Hamas butchers from the start and who will soon be in positions of power in America’s institutions, joining those Muslims in the streets.

And if these things come to pass, what can be done?

Parsing the Muslims.

Many will rehearse the line that most Muslims are not terrorists.  True enough. I’ll add that most come to America for the same reason that the Irish, Chinese, Italians, Jews, Vietnamese, Mexicans, Indians, Africans, and so many others came here: seeking the opportunity for a better life.

But there are some differences today. Immigrants in the past brought their own cultures and wanted to keep the best of them, enriching the United States. But they wanted to be Americans. They wanted to be accepted as Americans, not to fight with other Americans.

Yes, they all faced bigotry, but the best of Americans already here wanted them to integrate into our melting pot of a country.

Today, in American culture and politics the Left and “Progressives” promote the dogma that America is responsible for most of the world’s problems and that we Americans must apologize for our country. Under the label of “diversity,” they promote divisive group identity. Calling on Muslim immigrants in America to abandon the intolerance and ignorance that drove them from their own morally backwards countries to come here is labeled “Islamophobia.” So rather than thinking “I’m glad I don’t live in a sewer like Gaza under Hamas, where parents train their children to be bloodthirsty murderers of other children,  I’m an American!” they might cling to tribal identity and demonstrate for “Palestine.” Yes, many American Muslims might not think this way. But if they are scared to loudly call for the overthrow of Hamas for fear of violent reprisals from fellow Muslims who would act like Hamas in this country, that is damning. But not as damning as the situation with students in American universities.

Parsing the students.

First, institutions of higher education are supposed to promote individual, rational thinking.  Yet even before Israel counterattacked and sought to rescue hostages after October 7, we saw the mindless mob mentality of so many American students screaming for “Palestine” and calling for the elimination of Israel, a next iteration of the Holocaust.

Second, these institutions are supposed to promote knowledge. Yet many who shout “From the river to the sea” don’t know which river or sea or that they’re essentially calling for the elimination of Israel. “Queers for Palestine” don’t want to know that they’d be the first ones hung from cranes or thrown off buildings if they lived in the Israel-hating countries.

Most don’t know that  European Jews in the late 1800s were fleeing oppression by raising money to purchase land in the Ottoman-ruled area labeled “Palestine” so they could live in what had been the homeland of the Jews for three millennia; that the modern state of Israel, created in 1948, ensured “complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture”; that the best place for Arabs and Muslims to live in the Middle East is Israel; that Israel has suffered attack after attack; that Palestinians have rejected offers from Israel that met all their demands except for the elimination of Israel.

Third, these institutions are supposed to promote moral integrity. Yet the mob mentality and ignorance are from willful delusion. They don’t want to know. Their moral evil starts with their choice not to think, which leads them to blank out their minds to mass murder.

Fourth, all of this is the result of indoctrination by professors, many labeled “postmodernist,” who reject the Enlightenment foundations of civilization: that there is an objective reality and that we should use our rational minds and independent judgment to understand the world and ourselves.  And the students so indoctrinated will soon be in leadership positions in this country.

What to do.

It will require a generational strategy to save our Enlightenment foundations. One element of this strategy is found in advances in exponential technology. This tech, in the hands of innovators, not only can provide a future of unimaged prosperity and long, healthy lives for all. They can provide an inspiring vision of future as it can be and should be. It will require a culture of reason. And it will provide opportunities for all Americans, Muslim immigrants especially, to transcend the dogmas and irrationalities that have chained human souls in the past, and especially to transcend the dystopian moral sewer that is Gaza under Hamas.

Edward Hudgins is president of the Human Achievement Alliance and can be reached at [email protected].


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Edward Hudgins

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